Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colo.

We arrived here at Great Sand Dunes N.P. last night and will stay again tonight.  We had passed this place on Highway 160 before on our way west but never stopped.  We should have.  This is - let's see - unworldly... or maybe just strange.  See for yourself:


  1. I'm enjoying your trip with you! Unworldly is a good description, especially with the mountains in the background. It's kind of like White Sands, NM; just seems to pop up out of nowhere. While you're so close, you should go south a short distance to San Luis and the Stations of the Cross. It's very moving (and free), and there are some awesome murals on buildings in the little town of San Luis. I just found it by accident in a brochure I got at the visitors' center in Alamosa.

    1. We're glad to know you're following and enjoying it. Thanks for the tip. We didn't know about the Stations of the Cross. I guess we'll miss it this trip since we have already headed north.
